
an officer and a gentleman中文什么意思

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  1. An officer and a gentleman would open it at once for inspection with an easy joke .
  2. They teach you in this way to be an officer and a gentleman
  3. It ' s from an officer and a gentleman
  4. Phoebe : me too ! oh ! did you ever see an officer and a gentleman
  5. They teach you in this way to be an officer and a gentleman


    An officer and a gentleman is a concept and phrase widely used in and about the British armed services from at least the early nineteenth century. The phrase was codified in Article 133 of the US Uniform Code of Military Justice which allows "Conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman" to be punished by a court martial.


        officer:    n. 1.官员,办事员,(高级)职员。 2.【军事】军官 ...
        gentleman:    n. (pl. -men) 1.绅士;有身份的人,上流人 ...
        an army officer:    说什么官员
        an inexperienced officer:    没经验的军官
        dreaming to be an officer:    乌纱梦
        my work is an officer:    我是上班族
        play a role as an officer:    在剧中演一名军官
        reduce an officer to the ranks:    把军官降为士兵
        gentleman:    n. (pl. -men) 1.绅士;有身份的人,上流人士。 2.〔男子尊称〕阁下。 3.(中国旧时的)士大夫;【法律】社会贤达〔证明文件上用语〕。 4.(达官贵人的)随从,侍从。 5.〔pl.〕 (商业信函中的称呼)先生们 (= Sirs 或 Dear Sirs). 6.【英史】(非贵族但有使用家徽特权的)乡士〔有时略作 Gent, 附加名后表示身份〕。 7.〔pl.〕 男厕所。 8.〔美国〕议员。 a country gentleman乡绅,乡下地主。a walking gentleman【戏剧】配角。 a gentleman at large 〔戏谑语〕失业者,无职业者。 a gentleman in brown 〔戏谑语〕臭虫。 a gentleman in waiting (英王的)侍从。 a gentleman of fortune 海盗;骗子。 冒险家 (= adventurer)。 a gentleman of the press 新闻记者。 a gentleman of the road [pad] 拦路强盗,游民,乞丐;出门兜揽生意的人。 a gentleman of the (long) robe 律师,教士。 a gentleman of the three outs 〔戏谑语〕(无现钱、无袖肘、无信用的)三无绅士。 a gentleman of virtu 古董家,古玩专家。 a gentleman's [gentlemen's] agreement 君子协定。 a gentleman's gentleman 侍从,男仆。 my gentleman 那家伙,此人。 the gentleman from ... 〔美国〕(从某州)选出的(众议院)议员。
        officer serving on an incremental scale:    按年递增薪级的人员
        a country gentleman:    乡间富绅
        a dignified gentleman:    堂堂大丈夫
        a fine gentleman:    时髦绅士
        a gentleman at large:    有闲阶级的人, 无职业者
        a gentleman of fortune:    冒险家
        a gentleman of the press:    新闻记者
        a gentleman on the beam:    梁上君子
        a kind gentleman:    一个好心的绅士
        a refined gentleman:    彬彬君子
        a worthy gentleman:    大好佬
        a young gentleman:    年轻的绅士
        beinga gentleman:    有绅士风度的
        coloured gentleman:    有色绅士
        fine gentleman:    花花公子
        first gentleman:    第一先生



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